' Remember, Visual Basic 1.00 cannot use HLSTR for properties, ' so the following functions do the same thing as RecvBlock and ' SendBlock. ' Pass string to send, number sent is returned Declare Sub NetClientSendBlock Lib "wsanet.vbx" (Block As String) As Integer ' Pass number of chars to get, string is returned Declare Sub NetClientRecvBlock Lib "wsanet.vbx" (ByVal Size As Int) As String ' The following are the errors that the control will return on its ' own: Global Const ERR_OUTOFMEMORY = 7 ' If a response string could not be created Global Const VBERR_INVALIDPROPERTYVALUE = 380 Global Const VBERR_BADVBINDEX = 381 Global Const VBERR_READONLY = 383 ' For those read only properties Global Const VBERR_WRITEONLY = 394 ' For those write only properties Global Const WSAERR_BadHostAddr = 20000 ' HostAddr property set to bad form Global Const WSAERR_AlreadyConn = 20001 ' You can't connect twice! Global Const WSAERR_NoTimers = 20002 ' No timers available Global Const WSAERR_RecvBuffer = 20003 ' RecvBuffer invalid! Global Const WSAERR_SendOverFlow = 20004 ' Your SendSize property is too small Global Const WSAERR_NotConn = 20005 ' Not aren't connected yet Global Const LISTEN_CLOSE = 0 Global Const LISTEN_REUSE = 1 Global Const LISTEN_DONTREUSE = 2